Join a circle of visionary women entrepreneurs to discover the path to fulfillment and prosperity—without the struggle
BE. more, do less, and step into the life you're destined for!

For the woman entrepreneur who knows they are meant for more, dreams big, and wants a wealthy and fulfilled life!

Can you relate?

Have you had the feeling...You know you are meant for more!

You have big dreams.
You have a deep desire to make an impact in the lives of others.
You are an entrepreneur at heart.

Growing your business has not been as easy as you thought it would.
Maybe the confidence you had in your career as not translated over as easy as you hoped it would.

Being an entrepreneur can also be a very lonely path.
This can leave you feeling anxious and stressed as you navigate all there is to do.


You love being an entrepreneur and you are committed to your success.
You want a steady stream of income.
You want it to be easy.
You want a simplified life and business that makes money and makes an impact.

After being an entrepreneur for over 30 years, I know with out a doubt that community and mindset are at the top of the list for supporting massive growth.
To do this, the most successful people in the world use the power of Master Minds.

This inspired the creation of BE. Confident Wealthy Empowered

The BE. philosophy is more about BEing rather than Doing
It is about finding the joy in the journey, allowing all things to flow!
It is about coming together in community and lifting each other up!
It is about developing a strong wealthy mindset!
It is about gaining confidence to do what you really want to be doing!
And so much more!

The Foundation...
The BE. group of programs were designed to support you in a holistic way through the CATALYST Success Framework

The Details...

Mindset Matters Group Coaching 

Monthly Money Mindset Group Coaching sessions to help keep you on track and getting out of your own way.  Each month there is a different topic to help advance you on mindset and strategy for your business, life and finances.  Laser coaching is available in these sessions to help you on your particular challenge/mindset.


What is better than one mind? A group of successful, intelligent (yes, you!) and like minded women helping one another. The monthly success circle is a guided mastermind style event to help you with the strategy side of your business as well as coaching and mentoring from Maria Conde.  In these sessions we will combine, strategy, mindset, energy work and even self-hypnosis to grow as individuals in life and business. 


Access to a library of transformational recordings to rewire your mind for success, wealth & confidence….to name a few!
Included are:  Self-Sabotaging Be Gone, Wealth, Sleep, Success, Confidence, & Power Sales.


Access to workshops to help you grow your business.  While the majority of this membership is about the "being", this session is about the "doing"!  This is about combining the vision with the strategy to create that extraordinary life and business. 


Each month you will receive a new episode of the BE. Confident Wealthy Empowered Private Podcast!  This podcast is structured to provide time freedom to you so you can listen and learn on your own time!  Topics include:  Video Confidence, Wealth Mindset, Passive Income, Lead Generation, Story Telling for Businesses, Leadership, Self-Care for the CEO and much more!

Want more?  Join the BE. VIP Experience 

1:1 RTT® Session with a personalized Self-Hypnosis Recording

This is the start of your journey in BE.  I love setting people up for success and it all begins with a 2 hour RTT® VIP session where we use hypnosis, NLP and other modalities to unlock the limiting beliefs holding you back and  then setting you up with more powerful beliefs to help you achieve your dreams.  This comes with your own custom 21 day hypnosis recording. (most of my clients use this original recording everyday because they love it so much!)

The Fine Details….
This is a minimum 6 month commitment  
It's about building a community and network
It's about lifting each other up as we all rise together!
Most sessions are Monday at 7:00pm CST
** While I don't offer a money back guarantee due to the nature of this membership, if you are truly not happy and this is just not for you, reach out to me.



$1497 USD

  • Monthly Success Circle Masterminds
  • BE. Private Podcast
  • Monthly Mindset Matters Group Coaching
  • Self-Hypnosis Library
  • BE. Business Tool Vault
  • Voxer Accountability Coaching
  • One RTT® Session (2 hours 1:1)
  • AND…the most amazing supportive community!

When asked, "What do you feel/think is the biggest benefit being part of BE?"

 "The strength of the group is amazing!  I love the positive, helpful nature of the people in BE.  The laughter we share means so much to me as well"

Rhonda C.

 "Watching each of us grow.  The support of others without judgement "  

Cora Michelle

 "Definitely friendship.  I too love being around like minded people.  We all contribute to each other, and learn from each other.  I like that we can ask any questions openly and anyone of us will have the answers.  I feel supported, respected and loved."

Doreen S.

 "Community  and accountability. I love sharing with the group and having like minded people who add to fruitful conversations/projects/goals"

Val Tsosie
Founder - So' Tsoh Foundation

Unsure which is best for you?...

Book a call with Maria (no obligations at all) to see how best this program can serve you…or not! 

Your Coach, Catalyst & Strategic Advisor 
Maria Conde, CPA, CHC,CPC

Maria Conde is an engaging speaker, author, and coach committed to empowering women to be financially independent and living a life on their terms. Maria’s passion is to support women to rise to their full potential by giving them the tools to end the self-sabotaging behaviors and mindset that are holding them back.  She believes everyone has a gift for this world and truly wants all women to rise to their fullest potential.    
Maria lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba with her daughter. From her 30+ years background in finance, leadership, and coaching combined with her personal experiences she brings you empowering workshops, online courses, and books. 


This program is for any entrepreneur who needs to improve their wealth mindset, confidence and leadership skills.  Typically this will be the entrepreneur who is working towards their first $100K.  

Unfortunately I can't guarantee results.  As a coach I can only provide the tools.  It is up to the client to implement them.  Having said that, those that do implement the tools and do the work, do see a strong positive transformation in their mindset and confidence. 

A Place for Women to Create Powerful Lives with Grace and Ease

BE. was created to unite women of all cultures, race, and diversity in realizing their greatest potential by inspiring each other to lean in to their best self, create a wealthy life and make an impact in this world!